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Islands of Brilliance is a learning experience developed specifically for children, teens, and young adults on the autism spectrum.

Islands of Brilliance design workshops utilize project-based learning, creating a space for students to explore creativity through the use of technology, during which they learn technical skills and grow confidence in critical social and peer-to-peer interactions. Students are matched one-to-one with mentors—design field professionals—which not only changes public perception of this disability, it also paves the way for future higher education and employment opportunities with the goal of increasing the likelihood of our student’s independence as an adult. An experienced, licensed special education teacher, with additional wrap around support oversees all workshops.

Our store features original work created by our students during workshops. Your purchase not only supports Islands of Brilliance, half of the profit goes directly to the student who created the design. This teaches them the value of creative thinking, the significance of the employable skills they are developing, and promotes entrepreneurism at an early age.


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