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I am raising funds to take part in the Revelation Wellness Instructor Training, which includes a 9-week online study, and a 5-day retreat in Arizona.

  All funds raised will go towards Jenn Simpson's training through Revelation Wellness (plus included expenses)
Time left to buy

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Full story

Imagine losing almost all of your excess weight, and feeling lighter and full of energy ...

... but then, something comes up, and you default back to your old habits. You berate yourself, and then self-medicate with food, gain more weight, berate yourself some more, and then eat to soothe yourself again. This cycle continues until you've put back on all of the weight you had lost, and then some. 

Can you relate?

I can, because this is my own story.

Hey, there! I’m Jenn, and I am on a mission to help “set the captives free” from the strongholds surrounding their health and wellness (Is.60:1).

STRONGHOLD: (n) "anything that sets itself up against the knowledge of God" (see 2 Corinthians 10:5); or anything that takes God's rightful place in your life.


In 2005, I found a book that changed everything for me ("Thin Within" by Judy & Arthur Halliday). Through it, I began to become passionate about helping others learn the truth about how God designed our bodies to function in regards to food and eating, and about seeing others set free from their own struggles with weight and health. It was this book that helped me to, initially, have success in getting rid of my own excess weight -- after having tried many other programs and diets, with no real success.

However, because I'd lost my focus and regained all of my excess weight and more, I was still searching for how to use this method in a way that works for me

In 2017 (after I'd been going to the gym for a year) when an acquaintance introduced me to a company that was working to help others live healthier, more fulfilling lives, I decided I could use the accountability, so I signed up. I loved the idea of working together with others who were on the same journey, inspiring them through my own example!

Yet something was still missing ... and, after following Revelation Wellness for quite some time on Facebook, I could no longer ignore the pull ... I truly felt that I had to take the next step, and inquire as to how I could partner with them, as well.


The mission of Revelation Wellness is to:

They aim to use fitness as a tool to bring the Good News Gospel message to the ends of the earth!

It was this faith element (putting God first) that was the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I truly believe we can’t effectively fulfill our God-given purpose if we can’t even get our butts off the couch!

So many people are spending billions of dollars, every day, hunting for that magical solution, that “quick fix”, that will help them finally lose the weight, and be able to enjoy their lives! (Jesus came to give us life to the FULLEST! -- see John 10:10). After all, there is so much more to life than concern over our physical appearance!

Yet, the diets and fads that people go through, hoping that this next one will be the one to free them (and I'm as guilty as the next person of falling for this)… it’s all a sham … because it’s missing the real key -- the TRUTH that will, once-and-for-all, set them FREE! (John 8:32)

That truth is found in putting God first … surrendering to the Spirit’s work in us (see Zech.4:6).

I feel, very strongly, that God is calling me to this training. I believe that getting certified through Revelation Wellness® will help me to have the tools and the proper foundation from which I can get myself healthy, and then turn and help others to get healthy, free, and whole, as well!

Revelation Wellness® training is different from your average “fitness instructor” training, as it gives support to the WHOLE person: body, mind, and spirit. It’s about so much more than just fitness! (that’s why, instead of a 2-day course, they give us a 9-week study!)

I have already spent $60 to obtain my Red Cross First Aid certification, and $17.85 to buy one of the other books that is part of the course’s reading material.

In total, I am looking to raise $4800, so that I can participate in this 9-week online course, and attend the 5-day intensive retreat that follows, in Williams, Arizona. My household budget cannot afford to back me in this goal, so I am reaching out for your support.


The costs for this training (converted from USD$ to CDN$) are broken down as follows:

$ 2704.96 - 9-week online study + 5-day intensive retreat in Arizona.
$   160.00 - Canadian Passport
$ 1487.88 - Flight from Windsor to Arizona
$     77.40 - A.C.E. Group Fitness Instructor Handbook
$  369.76 - Miscellaneous (food while travelling, luggage fees, etc.)


The training begins in August 2018 , so I will need to raise at least the first $2700 before the end of July. The retreat takes place from November 4 - November 9, 2018, so I need to have the remaining funds raised before the end of August, in order to be able to attend.

With your financial support, I will be able to acquire the skills I need to help others break free. Any amount that you can share will put me that much closer to this goal.

Please know that your donations and encouragement mean the world to me, and I am forever grateful. Thank you.


** If you’d like to learn more about Revelation Wellness, its training program, etc., please visit the following links: - Instructor Training (info)

What is Revelation Wellness Instructor Training? 

"These Gals Are No Joke!" 

Founder, Alisa Keeton's, book: "The Wellness Revelation" (

// * // * // * // * // * // 

And, please don’t forget to share this campaign so that it can be seen by more people! Your referrals can also help me out a great deal! Thanks!

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