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Chromosome Abnormalities / DSDs T-shirt

Fighting chromosomal abnormalities and physical issues that come with it.  Funds will help cut medical expenses.


  All funds raised will go towards Medical Expenses
Time left to buy

This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.

Full story

This year our daughter, Emilie, has been diagnosed with an X balanced chromosomal translocation.  Her journey sent her to countless specialists and she has endured countless labs and tests.  This specific translocation can cause many problems from muscle weakness, reproduction problems, underformed organs, as well as kidney and skeletal anomalies.  We are still discovering hers.

As her family, join us to combat the medical cost mountain that has built up and will continue for the rest of the year.  Once our needs are met, we will donate what is left to the AIS/DSD Support Group (  This support group has been by our side since the beginning.

Thank you!





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