Full story
When you donate to children in Africa, your support goes to a Compassion child who is living in poverty. Compassion is active in eight countries in Africa and many of those countries face major problems which contribute to the poverty—famine, drought, economic hardship, and disease. In some countries, there are ongoing conflicts that have hampered economic progress.
According to the World Health Organization, Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the center of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Also in this region, we find that more than 40 percent of the population is below 15-years-old. We rely on people to donate to children in Africa as a way to curb these poverty statistics.
When you donate to children in Africa through Compassion, you can help counter poverty in the second largest continent in the world. We provide clean water, child sponsorship, infant survival, leadership development, disease control and prevention, and social justice resources.
Join us today and donate to children in Africa.