Check out the ending numbers below. If you missed your chance to support this campaign, CONTACT US and we may still be able to help you out. If not, your other option is to reach out to the campaign creator and request a repost.
This past weekend Houson, TX was hit with a huge devistating storm leaving many with little to nothing.
This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.
My family was lucky enough to not have lost as much as some families, but knowing tons of people that are close to me who lost everything and are left with little to nothing, breaks my heart. In order to make a change I decided to help out as much as I knenw I could using the means I could. If you know anyone who has suffered in this devistating travesty please help by buying a shirt or two even sharing this link or donating $5 could help. Thank you for helping!