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Jessica is battling an extremely rare form of stomach cancer and is left to pay all medical expenses out of pocket.
This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.
From Jessica's GoFundMe page:
I've been trying to find the energy to post an update for weeks now. Times have been TOUGH. This cancer is super hungry and has been feeding on my muscles-- I'm literally wasting away. I'm incredibly malnurished and in constant pain. The pain medicine I have actually feeds the cancer and makes it grow so I try not to take it too often. I feel miserable. For the first time in my life, I weigh 200lbs. My small frame is in constant stress from carrying this much weight in my abdomen. My legs and feet are extremely swollen making it difficult and sometimes impossible to lift myself up. I'm now having to be rolled around in a wheelchair. Mom and I have been in Myrtle Beach all week so I can receive treatment from Dr. Akoury and her amazing team. They've been working hard to help me build my body and immune system back up so I can be strong enough to make it through and recover from surgery. Yesterday I had an appointment with a surgeon to see if she would put a port in so Dr. Akoury could begin giving me small doses of chemo to start pushing the cancer back... the surgeon said "no". She suggested that I go immediately to the MUSC emergency room with complaints of shortness of breath-- that's today's plan. I'm hoping they'll admit me to the hospital where I can try to convince them to draw some fluid or mucin off my abdomen so I can have some relief.So far, my appointments this week have cost me over $6,000 out of pocket. That doesn't include the cost of travel, food, hotel rooms etc... Everything I have, including GoFundMe donations and a little bit of Christmas cash, is gone. Yesterday, Mom's checking account dropped to a negative balance. I can't afford to get well. We're still pressing to get me set up with insurance, disability, and medicaid but, as always, things are moving slowly. We need help. If you are unable to donate, please share the link. You may know someone who would be willing to donate a dollar or two... every little bit helps.I'm hoping to continue treatment in Myrtle Beach next week (Depending on how everything goes, they may want me there for 7 or 8 weeks of treatments) but I can't do it without the funds. Please, please, please give if you can and share if you can't. Thank you lovely people :)