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This shirt, designed and illustrated by Aaron Ansuini in collaboration with Chase Ross, represents a movement of individuals standing up for themselves, the LGBTQ+ community, and other marginalized communities on YouTube. Far too many times, YouTube’s policies have censored us, restricted us, demonetized us, and deleted us. This shirt is a statement. YOU. CANNOT. DELETE. US. We will fight. We are not going anywhere.
Both Chase and Aaron are YouTubers who have been massively effected by these policies. Strikes against their account just for talking about trans topics, age restrictions put on videos of them discussing their transition, and so many demonetized videos just for simply using the word “transgender”. This has gone on for far too long and it needs to change. There are anti-LGBT/homophobic/transphobic ads placed on the remaining of their monetized videos, and both have had enough. This is happening to so many other creators, big and small, and it needs to end.
For far too long, YouTube has not listened to us. It’s time we take this into our own hands. Join the movement. Get a shirt. Use the hashtag #LetsGetByTogether and #SupportQueerYouTube #YouCantDeleteUs


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