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Memphis Yoga Faith Ministry

Help me minister to others and spread God's love through yoga!

  All funds raised will go towards Course materials, books and travel expenses for training
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What is YogaFaith? 

"Our mission at YogaFaith is The Greatest Commandment: to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor just the same. YogaFaith seeks to holistically develop disciples to realize their anointing, heal the brokenhearted, set captives free and share the love of God throughout the world. We at YogaFaith, want to intimately connect people to Christ; mind, body, spirit and soul. We strive to train up world class leaders as well as redeem biblical principles from yogic techniques. Our teachings are centered on the Bible, the complete and authoritative Word of God acts as our guide in all that we do and seek. (Mark 12:28­32, Isaiah 61)

YogaFaith trains professional and knowledgeable yoga instructors with studies that center around Christ, and the Word of God, while honoring the roots & traditions of yoga. It is our goal to facilitate our students in finding wholeness; mind, body, soul, and spirit through encountering Christ on and off a yoga mat. We celebrate who God created you to be and focus on cultivating your God-given unique gifts, talents, abilities and leadership skills to help others discover wholeness as well as their unique gifts.
YogaFaith equips trainees with a comprehensive education in scripture study, yoga, a disciplined practice, and a compassionate lifestyle so that each may journey into all the World and help others through Christ and yoga to find healing; mind, body, soul, and spirit. Our core belief is that once an individual finds true healing, their home is restored, then their community, then their city, state and soon the world will see revival."

I feel that God has called me to bring YogaFaith to the Memphis area.  While there is not a shortage of traditional yoga studios in Memphis, these studios primarily reach people who are more affluent.  What I seek to accomplish is bring yoga - and the word of God - to everyone, whether they live in the inner city or suburbs, no matter what their age, race, ethnic origin or socioeconomic status is, whether or not they are Christian, and no matter their level of ability.  The practice of yoga, coupled with prayer, songs, scripture and meditation has the ability to bring about inner peace and a closer relationship with God to men, women, children, seniors, veterans, the disabled, those in recovery, those who are incarcerated, those who have been traumatized, and many others.

The money I raise in this fundraising endeavor will go towards the cost of my course materials, books, and travel expenses to attend trainings.  Once I complete my first 200 hours of training and receive my certification, I plan to complete another 300 hours of masters training, as well as additional training in Yoga for 12-Step, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, Prison Ministry, Yoga for Kids, Yoga Adaptations (for those with limited mobility), and other courses that become available.

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