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Mens Feed Your Soul 2018 Tee

Funds raised benefit Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin as a part of our 15th Annual Feed Your Soul Event held at Flux Design Milwaukee on 11.2.18

  All funds raised will go towards Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin
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Full story


Now in its 15th year, Feed Your Soul has raised over $650,000, providing nearly 2 million meals to families and individuals facing hunger right here in our local area.

Our annual event is Friday, November 2 at Flux Design in Riverwest. We would like to invite you and your business to join us in this exciting and worthy cause by partnering with us as a Feed Your Soul sponsor. This event provides businesses like yours the opportunity to play an active role in standing up for our community in need by helping our most underserved, while gaining visibility in front of an audience of peers and partners in the industry.

In a state rich in farmland, it’s hard to imagine that hunger lives in Wisconsin, yet nearly 700,000 in the Badger State do not know where their next meal is coming from. Hunger does not discriminate; it knows no age, race or sex. People facing hunger live in our cities, in our suburbs and in our rural areas. Many have homes, jobs and families. They are our neighbors.

Your sponsorship allows our leadership to focus on driving our mission to solve hunger in addition to the many other benefits to you outlined in this package. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

United by the Milwaukee design community, artists, executives, makers, and community organizers, we rally together to host an event you’ve never experienced before. Edgy, thought-provoking, and inspired pieces auctioned in a space as unique as the art; creating one-of-a-kind to serve one-of-a-kind, we exist for Milwaukee. We exist to prevent empty bowls and hungry stomachs. We do all we can the best way we know how: ART

Join us this year, and together let’s help our community solve hunger

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