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If you love pets, want to help the euthanization crisis, want to help provide for the veterinareans caring for these homeless pets... then you're in the right place! These pets need your help now more than ever. This crisis effects us all and your help can go a long way. If you are not familiar with PAWS CHICAGO, they are truly leaders in the rescue world. Please visit their site and learn more: pawschicago.org ! Your contribution will go a long way and help provide supplies like PPE, medication, transportation, spay/neuter, laundry and specialized surgery.
Let's stand together and help love and support one another during these uncertain times!
For example:
$33 provides vital medicine
$25 provides one day of laundry
$108 provides 1 day of PPE during Covid-19
$183 provides basic care for a healthy pet during Covid-19
Thank you Mr. JD King for creating this super cute shirt!
Chloé Mendel has arranged a fundraiser to help rescue homeless pets in North America.
ARTIST MR. JD KING https://www.instagram.com/mrjdking/?hl=en
CHLOE MENDEL: https://www.instagram.com/chloemendel/?hl=en
PAWS CHICAGO: http://www.pawschicago.org