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Pet Adoption Awareness


Help raise funds for animal care. Taking steps to help these beautiful animals have healthy lives as we also help find them forever homes.

  All funds raised will go towards Animal Care and Needs
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Full story

There is an overwhelming number of stray animals in our area, especially cats. 

One day a few years ago, a feral pregnant mother cat showed up at our doorstep, and it was the beginning of this story. Soon one cat turned into four, and never being in the situation before we didn't think much of it. We ended up keeping the first litter because by the time we started searching for homes for them not many were interested in owning a new pet.

Of course we quickly realized they needed to be separated before more were made. Our problem lyed with keeping the mother cat indoors though where she couldn't end up pregnant again. How do you keep a cat that is used to being outside indoors? It amuses me thinking about how sneaky she can be when she wants to get out. 

So, the end result is she kept coming back with more babies. The second litter came along and this time we were ahead of the game, managed to find them all homes. 

Our problem is, we do not have the financial stability to afford medical care for these animals, we fall behind on bills just trying to keep food on our tables while also feeding these poor cats, and everywhere we turn for help gives us that "I'm sorry..." so the situation just kept growing worse. 

Over time she continued bringing more life into the picture and we continued finding homes for the babies, though we ended up with one or more left in our care as it began getting harder to find people looking to adopt a cat. Keeping them separated was becoming more difficult and even though we manage that much, the mother still likes to go outdoors, along with one of the males. 

The males are another problem because they like spray so not being able to afford getting them neutered is really taking it's toll. I continue to look for those who are looking to adopt that can afford giving them all the proper care and love they truly need, for the ones we still hold in our care. 

In the meantime though, we are now up to ten cats who all need vaccines and to be neutered and even more so cannot afford the costs involved. How ten? Well, we had six (including momma) from previous litters, and now momma just gave birth to four more beautiful little things. 

I am trying to raise funds to FINALLY get all the adult cats neutered and up to date on their shots, and in hopes of maybe having some funding left over to build proper housing for them so while there are so many in our care it won't be so overwhelming. It may make it easier to find placement for the adults also if they are all up to date with everything as not many like us can afford the costs of more than feeding them. I would also feel better knowing I am giving them to their forever home in a healthy well taken care of state. I figure if we are going to be caring for so many animals here we should do it right like an animal safe haven would. Shelters are always full, so our home has become the next best thing to an animal in need it seems. 

I've always had a soft heart and love for animals which I'm sure I get from my parents who can't turn them away either. It would be nice if I could do this properly though and I am asking for help now because I just cannot do this alone! All funds will be going towards the animals care and housing, and if any extra is raised it will be put towards other animals in need in the future. All for a great cause!

Thank you for your time in reading my story 💕

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