Check out the ending numbers below. If you missed your chance to support this campaign, CONTACT US and we may still be able to help you out. If not, your other option is to reach out to the campaign creator and request a repost.
This is where you can purchase San Antonio Student of the Year LLS shirts
This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.
Hi Everyone,
These are the shirts that are available for purchase if you are interested in getting team member shirts. Unfortunately I can't cover the cost for shirts for your teams, but I am having shirts made for each candidate. You can see the price for the shirts on the site. You just select what you want and you will be able to order the shirts and have them mailed directly to your home. Right now you have till the 10th of January to purchase a shirt (because they will only allow me to have this "campign" up for 30 days, I can relaunch another after that)
Let me know if you have any questions!