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As with anything in life there is always the good with the bad!  As most of you know I became engaged to the Love of my life and am Happier than I have ever been. 

But with everything good always come some sort of bad,  Yin/ Yang, Karma what ever you want to call it,  it’s part of life.  

On June 2nd I went in for a routine GI due to acid reflux I have experienced for most of my adult life as I had dropped almost 15lbs in less than 3 weeks. The results were not what I expected.  

The Doctor told me that I had a tumor the size of a roll of quarters in my lower esophagus due to acid seeping up from my stomach for years.  The rest of my throat, esophagus and stomach all looked great but the tumor was determined to be Stage 3 cancerous. 

My Fiancé Elizabeth and the kids took the news very hard but they have been nothing but supportive and a blessing since they heard the news.  

As you all know me, I took the news with my usual humor and was all smiles when I came to the car to meet E after the appointment. 

All I was concerned about was grabbing food as I had to go 24 hours without eating or drinking prior to the GI. 

The plan now is to have 6 weeks of Radiation and a low dose of chemo and then Surgery to remove the tumor. 

Like everything in my life, this is just another bump in the road and I know that I have so many amazing people in my life that will help me kick ass and beat this. 

I will beat this as I am to stubborn to let something like this Take me out.  Plus I have years life, Marriage, kids and grandkids, reunions and parties to enjoy and look forward to.


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