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Ukraine Sunflowers

Thanks for supporting my trip! I will be traveling to Sheptivka, Ukraine to serve at the Inspiration Centre for two weeks.

  All funds raised will go towards Ukraine Trip Costs, Giving Towards Inspiration Centre, Blessing Ukraine Communities
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Full story

My Trip To Ukraine:

I will be traveling to Sheptivka, Ukraine to visit my friend Nina at the Inspiration Centre.

I met Nina six years ago on a missions trip to Ghana, Africa. Her Ukraine team met up with our US team for the two weeks we were there. We served together in orphanages, schools, villages, etc. Since then, our hearts have created a true bond that miles can't separate. We have prayed for the opportunity to serve in the same country together again. Now is the time!

The Inspiration Centre:

The Inspiration Centre's vision is to create a world in which children use their God-given gifts to live a life of fulfillment. They minister to orphans, gypsies, families in need, and are expanding their impact in the local area. 

Purchasing the Building:

The Inspiration Centre building was purchased in July of 2016. 

"Nevertheless, he took me to another building that he had for sale. When he was opening six classrooms, different ideas came into my mind – we can do WooDecor Club in that room, here we can teach kids the Bible, and this room can be for orphans… When the owner opened the door of the large hall, God gave me a vision of little gypsy kids standing on the stage and singing Christian songs and playing on the bells. Their happy faces broke my heart into little pieces. All I could do was to pray for the development of gypsy ministry." - Nina (Program Coordinator)

My Desire While I Am There:

My desire is to bless Nina and her team by working alongside them in whatever way they see fit for the two weeks I am with them. Working on repairs in the building, meeting the local children and families that Nina and her team have established relationship with, ministering to hearts through encouragement, and being a prayer partner with Nina for the things to come are all things I envision being a part of while I am there! 

I would love to see the Inspiration Centre continue to grow as they continue growing the Kingdom!

Additional Facts About Ukraine:

- Russia excluded, Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

- Ukraine has the lowest median wealth per adult in the world. 

- Ukraine was the host of the Yalta Conference in 1945, where Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt met to discuss the organization of post-war Europe.

- Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster occurred in Ukraine.

- Ukraine's national flower is the sunflower!


Thank you again for your support!

(Nina - Sheptivka, Ukraine)

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