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Voices Embracing Unity : Speak for the Voiceless Campaign

Do your part and support Voices Embracing Unity: Being A Voice to the Voiceless

  All funds raised will go towards Non-profit organization and victims
Time left to buy

This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.

Full story

I, Chinnaill Hernandez, was beat up a .40 caliber pistol, by the hands of my ex-spouse, on May 28, 2008 and practically left for dead. I spent 18 days in the hospital getting blood transfusions for me and my unborn babies. Since, then I have dedicated my life to helping other people just like me who have no guidance or direction to turn to. I wanted to be the voice for those who need encouragement and strength to seek help. You are not alone. You are just voiceless and no one hears your cry. I currently work as a case manager for girls who have been human trafficked in the United States. People with no justice in the criminal justice system, needs a voice!Victims of human trafficking need a voice! Domestic violence victims need a voice! The child who was neglected and abused needs a voice! Mental Health awareness, needs a voice! The homeless, needs a voice! Please help me by donating to those who are vulnerable in our communities! Give back!

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