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We Could Be Heroes

DC fans come together to celebrate fan-made art and raise funds for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

  All funds raised will go towards The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Time left to buy

This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.

Full story

About the design:
Designed by DC fan MekareMadness from Hungary, this is a fun piece that speaks to the fact that each of us, no matter how small or insignificant we may feel - we are our own heroes, and We Could Be Heroes to each other. Together, all of us, we are a family - a League - of heroes.
You can check out her other works at:

About the campaign:
A great man said - "Powerful art can heal, bring awareness and create change"
Inspired by these words DC fans have created a series of mini-campaigns, leveraging artistic talent within our fanbase in order to raise funds for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Our campaign designs offer messages of Hope and Empowerment while celebrating those who inspire us - whether they be fictional or real life heroes.

About AFSP:
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.
Established in 1987, AFSP is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death. AFSP raises awareness, funds scientific research and provides resources and aid to people affected by suicide.
For more information visit

Fundraiser notes:
This is an on-demand campaign. T-shirts should print and ship within a few days of order.
Funds raised are donated directly from Ink to AFSP.
Approx. $9 of each design sold will be gifted to AFSP, with the remainder going to garment & print costs set by Ink based on apparel type.
DC fans do not receive any funds from this campaign.
If you would like to increase size of donation gift to AFSP, Ink provides a facility at time of order

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