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Wrapped with Love Basic Unisex Tee


Do your part to raise funds for a new well to provide clean drinking water for the shcool.

  All funds raised will go towards A New Well for Clean Drinking Water
Time left to buy

This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.

Full story

I want to thank everyone who has donated, given their time, or prayed to help grow Rising Star Junior School.  It was back in 2008 Ryan gave everything he had and much of what he didn’t have to open a school in Uganda.  We’re currently educating nearly 400 vulnerable and orphaned children.  Expecting not more than 50 students at the start, the current situation was unexpected, but welcomed.  With that unexpected growth, we had to improvise with temporary classes, water shortage, and lack of funds.  But because of all of your generous givings, we’re able to keep up with the demand.  Without your continuous help, we’d be nowhere.

When we opened our doors in 2012, we saw children that had no educational background, that were orphaned and needy, some whose home conditions were leading to death, and nearly all who had little hope of a future.  At Rising Star, we teach these children that they are valuable, that they are respected, and that they are loved.

The current need we are facing is that the Well we had installed has gone dry. We spent money to drill further down only to find that the water was bad and could not be used.


Currently the Children have to walk a mile and a half each day to get water. The containers weigh a minimum of 35lbs and leaving the school grounds to get water is not the safest option.


We are hoping that with your help and the purchase of a shirt we will be able to drill a new well where we know the water is abundant and clean and the Children will not have to travel outside the school to get water.

We are also asking that once you recieve your shirt that you take a photo with it on and post it on social media with the Hashtag #WrappedWithLove So that we can collect the photos to send to the children so they can see who supported them and Wrapped them With Love. :)


With Love,

Joel & Stefani Dunn


There is always hope Psalms 73:26

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