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Greetings from San Marcos, Texas! My name is Ariel Howard anf I am a freshman studying Public Relations and Mass Communications. I hope you are well and seeing God’s blessings in your life. Over this year, I have had the privilege of serving with the Baptist Student Ministry of Texas State University. This spring break, I have the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Belize! I know our church has experience sending support and missionaries to Belize and that is why I am so excited to tell you about this awesome opportunity! I genuinely feel that I have grown over this semester in my walk with Christ and feel called to serve Him in this way.
What we will be doing? We have partnered with local missionaries in Belize, like Bob Farley, to assist in a few of the projects located in Belize. We will work to make sure the families have clean water by building and repairing water wells. We will also be doing outreach in local villages and might even host a VBS for the local village children! I know that we as a group will be doing our best to help the local missionaries in any way that we can.
How you can help? First, I am asking for prayer. We cannot do this on our own, but only with the help of our Holy God! If you feel led to help financially I would like to invite you to partner with me in this kingdom project through prayer and financial support. In order to participate in this trip, I must raise $1,200 to cover all transportation, meals, and other expenses. I thank you ahead of time for considering this! I will also be creating a CustomInk tee shirt campaign to help spread awareness and funding. Will you join me in prayer and with a gift of $50, $100, or any another amount?
My goal is to raise the entire amount by January 31. Checks can be made payable to Texas State Baptist Student Ministry. Again, I would appreciate your prayerful consideration in joining me in this opportunity to serve the Lord. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you. I am excited and trust the Lord to provide and bless his work