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My husband and I desperately want a family. Please support Adoption. Every child deserves a forever home.



  All funds raised will go towards legal fees to adopt nicolas
Time left to buy

This campaign is closed. Send a message to the creator of this fundraiser and ask them to relaunch it.

Full story

For years my husband and I have tried to have a child together.  I have a wonderful step son who has been my life for the last 8 years. But I've always had the yurning to grow our family.  We have gone through heart break after heart break with fertility treatments with no luck. God has answered our prayers and has brought Nicolas into our lives as a new addtion to our family. Although we have accepted him as our family already and live together as parent and child, we would love more than anything to make him offically and legally a Scarborough family member.  Please help Nick and support adoption.  Everyone deserves a forever family!

Blood does not make a family LOVE does!!

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