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Forced Family Fun with Flair

Summer is the season for family reunions. Whether it’s an annual event or your family meets every few years, reunions are a great way (for most of the family) to catch up and reconnect. If you’re like some of our families at Ink to the People, there might also be a little friendly competition to help keep sisters, brothers, cousins on their toes.

People having fun at a family reunion

What better way to come together, have some fun and bond with your relatives than over a game of capture the flag or “Reunion Olympics”? Mix your extended family into teams (or each family is a team?) and let the games begin! Here’s a little inspiration for changing the game at your next family reunion:

  • A big game of Capture the Flag.
  • Reunion Olympic Games that might include opening ceremonies, eating contests, 2-legged races, canoe races, egg and spoon competition, water balloon tosses and more. Use the Olympic colors to designate teams.
  • Softball, Touch Football, Bowling or Volleyball Tournaments.
  • Card Game Tournament. Family Trivia Game.
  • The Amazing Race - Family Reunion Edition.

Family reunion custom team t-shirts

Even better? Make team shirts! Create one reunion design, pick teams and assign different colors for your teams and send out to the family ahead of time so everyone is ready to go when they arrive for the family reunion.

Need design inspiration? Check out our Pinterest Boards for ideas.

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